Friday, March 20, 2015

Back to her old self.

I don't know if these good days will come and go or if she is on the upswing (after only a few days of being tired and sick) but today was incredible.

Selene woke up from her 6am blood draw because her tubies have been so well secured to her body that the nurse had to really move her and prod to get her tubies set up. At that point she was done with sleeping so I gave her toys and ignored her for a little while until I could muster the energy to get up.

Her face was smooth white, no more sunken red eyes, she danced all around the room playing. We took a hallway walk and at least 10 nurses stopped and yelled "Selene! You look beautiful, how are you?!" Then every one said they missed her and hoped they would be assigned to her soon. My hearts swelled with pride :-)

She had a lovely time with the Occupational Therapist who said she had a 4 year old crayon grip (more pride) and she took an amazing 3 hour nap, which is probably the reason she is still laying awake in her crib at 9:30 chattering to herself.

She also just stood up and started to wiggle. When I looked at her inquisitively she responded "Gandad, shake booty!" Thanks Grandad, for teaching her how to shake her booty :-)

My Dad's flight arrives tomorrow morning and he'll come visit for a few hours before going to see Ainsley for the evening, taking my Mom, ie my sanity, home with him.

Then on Sunday we will hopefully reunite these sisters for a fun afternoon!

My only concern is that I noticed her nose is dripping the tiniest bit this afternoon. The nurse asked if she was coughing, I said no. As I write this she coughed twice. I'm praying she isn't getting something viral, like rhino-virus. Both because I want her to sail through this and because that gets you quarantined and she loves her walks!

Regardless, God is good.

Enjoy your weekend!!

She wiggled her caterpillar at the attending this morning during rounds while he was listening to her chest. thankfully when you work at a Children's Hospital you find that adorable and not annoying.


We do a lot of coloring.

Her love for Lisa is requited. They have a blast.

"Found it!"

This was in the parent's kitchen. But I think it applies to all parents. Especially all of us with Mom's guilt over leaving the kids for fun stuff for ourselves. Never feel bad about needing to recharge!

Seriously, what would we do without this coupe?

More opening of our fun cards!

When your sick kid begs for cookies at 8pm, you go find cookies (my rationale is that she is receiving IV nutrition but I want her to keep using her gut and digestive tract so that when she feels better she won't be afraid to eat). 

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