Thursday, July 13, 2017

Roller Coaster Tycoon

We've been on a lot of roller coasters lately, thanks Hershey Park! But none of them are as wild and wacky and the one Selene has us on (except for maybe SkyRush.)

We went for a check up today and Ellen and Dr. Olson her numbers dropped by 80%! Granted they are still 5 times higher than normal, but at least it's not 20 time too high! 😉

So we got the all clear to come back in 3 months with the caveat that we call with any set backs.  We also got cleared to take a break from therapy.  We will go back at the end of August to make sure all is still well and then we should be done with that too. I can't say it's been an easy year but I'm certainly thrilled that it's currently behind us and the horizon is bright.

Selene really is making amazing progress. It has been such a relief to see how sociable she is now. She's becoming more and more confident in the pool (which is actually a fabulous core workout, a top priority in therapy), playing hard, and hopping like a champ.

We'll still take all good thoughts and prayers because numbers could spike at any time but we will remain faithful in her continued progress!!

A totally jumbled group of photos from our Bermuda cruise, trip to Hershey Park, pool days and summer fun!