Sunday, August 9, 2015

And my heart breaks just a little bit.

I've been amazed at how relatively easy not going places has been, at least in relation to how bad I thought it was going to be.  Rainy days are hard when the girls say "Where are we going?" Ainsley adding in, "Where can we go that isn't crowded??"

Today Dan was talking about the grocery store and taking Ainsley. Selene heard and ran to get her shoes yelling "Let's go to the grocery list!" She grabbed Ainsley's shoes too, running them over to her super excited about a trip out. My heart crumbled. Dan and I both talked to her about how she couldn't go but that we would do something fun when they got back. Eventually I got her side tracked with watering all of my plants, it was worth the water all over the floor. Seriously, who has time to remember to water plants???

A few days ago while Selene was playing she was pretending with her dolls about going "in" to stores and places. Ugh. Just a little sad that a two year old's pretend play is dreaming of going into the library, McDonald's (Dunkin Donalds :-) ), etc.

We ended up all going to the park for a picnic which was lovely. But still, I'll be happy when the days of "You can't go because you could get sick" are done.

Thankfully she is a sweet kid and playing at home or at the nearby park is enough for her.

So close! 6 months, here we come!

Happy Sunday!

Playing a little Star Wars with Daddy

Snuggles by the fire!

Park time

All picnics include donuts, right?

"Yum, Yum Yummy, in my Tum Tum Tummy"


Catch and Release, butterfly edition

"Mommy has no free hands, so hold mine." <3

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

See you in a month CHOP!

Dan took Selene to clinic yesterday and everything went great. The doctors were thrilled with her numbers! An ANC of 3900!! T cells are coming back, WBC are up. It all looks great! Liver numbers still hover so we will continue with the monthly IV, but that's fine.

So we have nothing until Sept 1! Of course that's Ainsley's first day of school. Nothing is ever easy.  We also have our follow up with the endocrinologist for her bone health on Sept 9. So hopefully all of that is progressing. I guess I better stop forgetting to give Selene her vitamin D....

While Dan and Selene were gone I took the girls to see the Lactation Consultant and school shopping.

We are blessed to have come so far. To think, her 6 month mark is right around the corner. Almost a half a year in!

My little friend in Michigan had Transplant day yesterday. Today is his Day 1. Everything went very well yesterday, so prayers for his recovery would be appreciated!