Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Clinic day for everyone!

Clinic Tuesday!

Dan and Nana Anita took Selene to CHOP yesterday for her appointment. Other than it being a marathon of waiting (never get stuck with an appointment past 10:30am, the back-up is crazy) it seemed to go well. Her liver levels came down a bit and most of her other numbers went up (though platelets dipped a bit).  So they are taking her off Bactrim and giving her a different medicine once a month in the hospital. However that won't work long-term so we'll have to switch to a daily. Not the end of the world, but the twice a week was really nice.

They also took blood for the viral tests but on physical exam they are fairly certain she is perfect and that the runny nose is unrelated.  So that was all good news.

While they were doing that, Nana Robin, Ainsley and I took Kalina to her first pediatrician's appointment.  I was a little bummed to hear that she had lost a bit more weight than when we left the hospital.  She is currently refusing to nurse after doing so well in the hospital. But she's been taking 2 ounces of pumped milk fairly often and really well so I thought she'd be gaining. She was perfect otherwise and we'll just go back for a weight check next week. I also scheduled an appointment tomorrow with a Breastfeeding Resource center which is apparently amazing. So I'm pretty excited about that. Kudos to pumping moms, that is so much work!

We also discussed a CBC to test Kalina's neutrophils, so we will be doing that soon. I know the chance is so low of anything being wrong, but I'll be thankful to see healthy numbers.

For now we are just trying to get into a rhythm of taking care of three kids and learning how to function on even less sleep than before. Although if it wasn't for the bottles and pumping night time wouldn't be so bad! She's sleeping 3-4 hours at a time and goes right back to sleep. She's really a dream!

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