There isn't much to report today. We had another good day. Dan took a half day from work and then Ainsley and Nana came to visit.
We are also looking at more climbing numbers! They changed one of her IV meds to an oral, and decreased the hours of her IV nutition. So she will now be able to be completely off of her IV from 2pm-8pmish. We are super excited about that!
I also have our meeting with the outpatient Nurse Practitioner tomorrow. So we are gearing up for the end! I'm trying not to get ahead of myself, because we still have over a week to go. And we have to get her eating and drinking before they eventually let us go home. So here's to hoping everything continues to go this well! Plus, one more day and then Dan will be off for a week! Yay for Daddy being here!
Thank you for all the continued love and support!
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Deb coming in for Vitals |
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Ainsley helping with blood pressure |
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Posing with new headbands! |
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Reading with Nana |
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Having a snack in the Ronald McDonald house with Ainsley girl. |
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