Oh man, Dan will have been here 5 days in a row with all his snow days. I'm going to cry when he goes back to work on Tuesday!
We got through Selene's broviac rewire with limited difficulty. She was only up for a half hour before they took us over. The biggest tussel was over wearing the hospital gown. We compromised and she still got to wear a skirt. And she only told us she was hungry twice. Win.
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"I can't go out like this!" |
Then I got to Bunny Suit up and walk her to the OR, but it wasn't necessary because they did give her a touch of a sedative. Dan and I spent the hour relaxing in the atrium drinking lattes. Little did we know our relaxing time together would end with the Incredible Hulk waking. Selene never wakes from anesthesia like a lamb, she always cries for a few minutes, tries to rip out her IV and then succumbs to snacks and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Not this time. She was punching me, knocking my glasses off, arching so I could barely hold her. Dan tried his best and she ripped off the cuff that protects her IV. The nurse suggested we swaddle her so we pulled our best swaddling technique from the depths of our minds (good practice since we'll need that skill again soon!) and I laid down and tried to soothe her. No luck. It was so bad that the anesthesiologist came back in with some drugs to help her sleep it off. Apparently that reaction is common for short acting anesthesia. At that point she slept for over an hour. So Dan went off to do some conference calls and I waited with her while she slept. She woke like an angel. Much better.
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Time to suit up! |
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Ah, peaceful drug induced slumber. |
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There's my child. |
After we got back to her room the doctors made their rounds on us. Apparently her headaches were most likely due to low hemoglobin levels so they planned on a blood transfusion this afternoon. Normally I trust doctors and have total faith in things. But yesterday I spoke with a mom of a 20 month old (in for her third transplant attempt, praise God for having Ainsley as a perfect match, siblings really are the best blessing with transplants!) and she had an allergic reaction to blood she received. So I was a little more anxious than normal but all went smoothly and she happily played through the 3 hour drip. She did notice the blood on her IV pole and asked about it. I was impressed that she noticed something different up there. Also, blood dripping is way more unsettling than all the other clear fluids.
After that she was super sleepy so we tried to take a nap. But tons of people kept coming in, and just when Dan got her settled in her crib to watch a movie and fall asleep, music therapy came. Which she loves. So that was the end of nap time. But overall we had another lovely day. Tomorrow Nana, Grandad and Ainsley are coming to visit and can you believe it is the very last dose of chemo!? Looking forward to some family time!
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Relaxing after her procedure. |
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Snack time was chips and salsa "I love this!" |
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Mr. Patrick has the patience of a saint. |
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A little boy down the hall apparently rocks at bingo, and since he wins all the time, he chose a Sophia coloring book for "The little girl in the hallway who loves princesses." Cutest thing ever!! |
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Focus. |
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Opening her mail! |
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Playroom time! (After this picture I slipped away to nap while Daddy hung out). |
Oh, we also got our report time for Monday morning with Ainsley. 5:45 am. That makes me want to cry. I don't think Ainsley has ever seen 5am, nor have I. Daddy and Nana are always up at the crack of dawn, maybe I'll let them take duty :-)
Every time I read your updates I marvel at the strength and solidarity your family displays. The girls are truly blessed to have each other, and most of all, to have you and Dan. These blogs are such a gift, and I know they will know their blessings 10fold when they have the chance to read these later in love. Always thinking of you all. Hugs, prayers & continued strength.