I got my wish! I know lots of people were/are frustrated with the snow. But watching it fall from the sky and gazing out our window at the guy who had to shovel the same stretch of sidewalk every 30 minutes (it took him way too long to turn to the snow blower), all with the company of Daddy was just lovely. And don't forget the much needed two hour nap I scored while Selene slept.
Today was a busy but fun day for the peanut. She continues to be quite loved on the floor. Our very first nurse popped her head in to see Selene and say she is sad she got stolen away. Then our occupational therapist, who is filling in for the one assigned to us last week (because of the snow) said she was going to steal her away :-) I love that people are enjoying her because she is certainly enjoying them! The one on one play with different people is really stretching her mind, her vocabulary and her social skills. Who would have thought?
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She had a blast with Miss Lisa, occupational therapy is fun! |
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Coloring! |
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Miss Elise came with awesome new toys. I heart child life (and the people who donate so many toys!) |
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Amped up after a morning of play. |
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Dinner theatre is how this one rolls. |
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Giggle train |
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Nap snuggles! |
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Nurse Deb is so amazing with her! |
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She would only eat standing up and with a cape. |
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"Hi Mickey!" |
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Evening stroll |
We will work on Ainsley's facetime skills... |
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I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!! |
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Bedtime stories |
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Dr. Suzanne comes to see us every day and even raced Selene! Speedy Selene won and loved it (because Ainsley never lets her win). |
All week they've been telling us that we were scheduled for an afternoon procedure for fixing her broviac. Even as of this afternoon when we signed the consent we were afternoon. A member from radiology showed up this evening and said they found us an 8am appointment. I don't know if it was my pleading eyes (and outward begging) or our amazing medical team pushing for it. But I am so thrilled. We will now start our day a bit on the early side but she'll be done and eating before we know it!
Tonight while trying to get her to sleep she kept asking me to rock her, then get in her crib, then rock, then crib. Then she said her head hurt. She's never complained of pain and this is the first sign of anything negative so we are a touch concerned. We did give her some freedom today from tubies in between her two doses of chemo so I'm wondering if she just got dehydrated (the medicines she's on really dehydrate her, thus the constant fluids). When our nurse comes back we'll mention it but I'm hoping after some sleep she will feel better.
I need to write an entire post on this, but the staff is absolutely incredible. The excitement and care they show to Selene and us has really made this amazing. But I'll save that post for another time.
Well, it's 9:30 which means it's bedtime. Going no where all day is exhausting.
I'll leave you with a few videos. I didn't actually watch them on my phone because sonic hearing over there perks up as soon as she hears herself and wants to see. So I hope they turned out ok.
Occupational Therapy this morning-
Cozy coupe!
PS-No worries, Ainsley is still having the best time ever!
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