Every time you pull into Give Kids the World, the security guard yells "Welcome Home!" as you go through the gate. Ainsley asked why they called it home. It really was a place filled with love. We kept encountering people all over Orlando who volunteer there. Or volunteers who had amazing jobs and just volunteer because they love it. Gah, it was so fabulous. But alas, real home was waiting.
Friday Night was their Pirates and Princess' pool party. It was chilly but still a ton of fun! There was a group of students on alternative spring break and they were so great at working with the kids, helping them do crafts, bubbles and dancing.
Merry was loving the big long Kalina hugs |
This kid was happy! |
Dan took a turn |
She concentrated for almost 45 minutes on making these big bubbles with rope. |
Oh, they also have this room set up with a video camera. You could record anything you wanted to remember your trip. Between the crazy kids and my exhaustion, I'm not sure the video is very good. I just realized that we forgot to watch it!
After that it was bedtime and to finish packing everything up!
Our last morning involved one last carousel ride and a horseback ride for for the big girls (which gave us the cowboy hats which led to one of my favorite photos of the trip.)
Our flight was easy and our ride home stylish. Our neighbors made a comment about the limo a few days later. Since we just moved in June we really hadn't shared any information about Selene. But they were super excited to see the results of a Make a Wish trip and said they'd totally donate in the future :-)
Don't throw away my Shamu! |
We promised ice cream for breakfast one day!
My souvenir |
Why I ever flew with a baby in my lap is beyond me. This was smooth flying. |
Mom! That's our name! |
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