I don't know how people commute into the city on a daily basis. The daily traffic would make me go insane! It took an hour to get to the hospital after dropping Ainsley off at my inlaws, that should have been a 35 minute drive! Anyway.
We had our bone health appointment where we met with the doctor, a nutritionist and physical therapist. All three were pleased with her, they took her off of calcium and dropped the amount of Vitamin D that she needs. One more confirmation that she's thriving!
While waiting between our two appointments, Selene enjoyed some music therapy and actually participated today! Eventually she was the only one there so..I'm blanking on the music teacher's name...asked what song she wanted to sing. She yelled "Puff the Magic Dragon!" She didn't know all of it, because who does other than Peter, Paul, Mary and Me? So Selene and I sang it for her. Then she asked for Somewhere Over the Rainbow and she didn't really know that one either. I'm beginning to think I choose strange songs to sing for lullabies. I'm now wondering if she's learning them for next week :-)
Her numbers were also great and our meeting with the medical team in Oncology lasted just a few minutes since there isn't much to talk about, other than how cute this kid is.
Tomorrow we head to Orthopedics. I tried getting out of it but Dr. Olson suggested that we just get them to look her over and make sure we have nothing to worry about. I really don't see how we possibly could, but we'll go. I also hear it's a mob scene usually. So here's to hoping the cute little bald head and a mask will get us our immediate private exam room and that it won't make them forget about us for 3 hours.
And as always, some pictures of our crazy, sweet, and boring life.
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We were in the DD drive thru and I asked what she wanted, as in donut, and she replied, "Coffee." Obsessed. |
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Strike a pose. |
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Walking the baby. |
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She's still 2 and loves her tantrums. Is this against BMT rules? |
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Music at Oncology Clinic! |
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Decided to try the drum today. |
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Taking an evening walk. She believed the weatherman, she'll learn that they are always wrong soon enough. |
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