We made it through the first day of our normal week, well other than the fact that Ainsley was still on Spring Break.
Fluid intake didn't go great but not horrible, we hit the 20s thanks to super milky chocolate milkshakes. Ainsley spent some time with her friend from across the street so Selene and I enjoyed coloring time on the deck.
We head to CHOP for our first weekly clinic visit. Part of me feels like I need to pack a toothbrush and change of clothes because they are going to keep her due to dehydration. I'm terrified and have been having nightmares about it. I hope she drinks something on the way there and at least has a wet diaper I can tell them about...on the bright side maybe potty training will be easy when we start that in a week or two :-)
Coloring |
"You color with this crayon, riiiiight here." |
My climber |
Hi Jen! this is just a helpful hint on fluids. anything that at room temperature turns to liquid is considered a fluid for example ice pops 4 ounces fluid, water ice, Jell-O the same amount of clear fluid.also making food double as fluid example milk and cereal, milk use for cooking oatmeal, and clear broth soups. I used to be a pediatric Homecare nurse and know the struggles of trying to get kids to eat PO. You're doing an amazing job.God bless!
ReplyDeleteLauren Mclaughlin
Concord liberty church