We once again were given a 1:30 procedure time meaning Selene couldn't eat. This is my hobbit, who has like 4 rounds of breakfast before lunch time. But on the bright side it gave us a relaxing morning with Ainsley and my mom. We drank coffee, played, and enjoyed each other. Selene was a champ and enjoyed her clear popsicle and apple juice until 10am.
We got to the hospital and Nana Bell was meeting us. The child life staff member found an awesome fisher price princess castle and Selene was good to go. She did ask Nana for goldfish quite a few times since Nana always fish in her purse, but we all survived.
I held her while they put her to sleep, which is the worst because she hates the mask over her face and it's a bit disconcerting to watch her eyes roll back and close. But we all needed the break and we had some delicious lunch in the cafeteria (Baby 3 was especially eager for the lunch). While we couldn't afford the price or the calories (my doctor said I should aim for 1lb a week in the last trimester, good luck with that while stuck in a hospital) daily it was really yummy.
They actually called us back to Selene when they thought she was waking but she rolled over and went back to sleep. Which was great because the past two times she's had anesthesia she woke up with out me and she lost it. She still cried and was inconsolable for a bit because of disorientation, hating the tubes and having a sore throat but some crackers and Disney Jr calmed her enough for our move to our new room.
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Playing with the princess toys they found for her! |
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Mommy got to wear a Bunny suit and go in and hold her while they put her to sleep. |
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Sound asleep, I couldn't stop looking at those cheeks! |
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She always wakes up angry and upset after anesthesia, thank goodness for crackers and Disney Jr! |
Non-Medical worries that have been negated:
1. Small room. Our room is great!
2. Uncomfortable sleeping for me. The couch bed feels like a memory foam which I love. While I didn't sleep much with the nurse checks, having to rock Selene back to sleep after a diaper change (they needed a urine sample before chemo), and the normal tossing and turning, I was at least comfortable during it all!
3. That Selene would try to rip out her iv on purpose, she hasn't! Last night her big thing was showing off "tubies" and then "hiding tubies."
Non-Medical worries that have been added:
1. That Selene will get completely tangled and rip her tubies out by accident. I will now spend my entire day getting her cleared of her tubies.
We really lucked out with the most amazing room. Lots of room for Selene to roam, a corner so its huge, with tons of storage and a great view of the front of the hospital.
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Her favorite perch, I suspect she'll spend many an hour on this windowsill |
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Keeping it classy, CHOP |
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Daddy reading before bedtime |
Despite a long day and no legit nap Selene was a bit hard to put down after being ramped up with all the rounds, checks, and meeting nurses. I rocked her for awhile then she asked to lay in her crib (a good thing!). I tried to pretend to also be sleeping and when her breathing got deep and steady I got up to set up and she sat up and stared at me. Regardless, we did well enough and woke up at 6:50, hopefully earlier than she'll normally wake!
Morning of day -10
Selene enjoyed a breakfast snack of yogurt (the nourishment room in our hallway always has applesauce, yogurt, milk, juices, cereal, and crackers, which helps when we get the random "I hungy!") She ate her yogurt with a view from her windowsill perch and then enjoyed breakfast in her meal spot at the desk.
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Welcome :-) |
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Morning snack |
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A morning view |
We played with toys, charmed some more doctors, and met her physical therapists, who were great fun! Then a Child life specialist heard she wanted a tea set and showed up with a Cinderella themed tea pot that really brightened her up.
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Physical therapy equals playtime! |
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Loving her princesses |
As she was about 2 hours into the first round of chemo she barely touched her lunch and is now zonked out. I think we've got a good handle on the start of all of this. It seemed a bit daunting yesterday but we'll live into it. I'm still worried about eating enough when Dan isn't here. The whole no eating in the room when you are pregnant and the patient is 2 years old is going to prove a bit tough to manage. But hopefully in the next week she begins to trust some of our lovely visitors so that I can run to the lounge to heat something up quickly!
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First nap of many |
Well, considering that this post took me almost a day we'll see how often I post. Plus, Dan and I know how to blaze through House of Cards!
Love to everyone, thank you for all of the prayers and support! I feel awful not replying to everything but with constant eyes on Selene, finicky internet connection and exhaustion, I might not. But I read and appreciate everything!
Our prayers are with you today, tomorrow and in the weeks to come. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, these beautiful pictures and Ainsley's beautiful words. God bless you all!