Phew. November brings the most stressful event of the year. Renewing Selene's medical insurance. I'm a well educated, I'd like to think intelligent women. And it takes hours of reading fine print, re-reading vague requests. Confusing language. And don't get me started on their own confusion over their programs. It's a medicare program but it isn't income based, it's "holy cow you are really sick and need expensive medicine to keep you alive" based. Last year they rejected us because of income, then fixed it when I called. "Oh yeah, they don't always look closely enough." Oh...ok, then. Don't be good at your job. They mailed me information to log into their website, which I have used in the past. Nope, the log in information didn't even fit in the boxes. Then it wouldn't load. We'll ignore the fact that they haven't taken care of bills because I didn't check a box...that either doesn't exist online or is really well hidden (I saw it for the first time in two years on this years' packet.)
I really don't know how people who don't have time to burn on the phone, or pouring over the papers do it. Or those who don't speak English (I can't imagine their translated documents are much better). I still haven't heard from them. But here's to hoping they renew her coverage.
On to the best part of November so far, her 8 month studies ROCKED.
"Engraftment is perfect and her immune reconstitution is excellent!" The email I got from Ellen :-)
It was unlikely that her engraftment would regress but it was still a huge relief to see the list of 100%.
Almost all of her immune system results are within normal ranges. She's actually escaped illness that the rest of us had twice. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Here's pure joy from yesterday afternoon.
And we had a fabulous week of my Mom staying with us and my Aunt visiting for the weekend! Now on to the Holidays!
We started food! |
She's unimpressed. |
Shopping at Trader Joe's |
They love when Nana comes! |
Selene didn't like Santa, so group shot! |
My happy girl, sitting and crawling at 5.5 months |
Lansdale Mardi Gras parade |
This face :-) |
Why did you leave me with this strange man! |
Happier now |
We wish everyone a lovely, warm, cozy, and delicious Thanksgiving!!!