Dan and I were at a family wedding this weekend (more on that) and so many people mentioned how they love my blog. I think that was their way of telling me to get to writing :-)
So here's our last month of life in a nutshell.
Two weeks ago Dan, Ainsley and I got the stomach virus, two days later one after the other. I was so nervous for Selene (and of course Kalina). But the two of them escaped our 24 hour agony. I'll laugh if Selene comes out of this stronger than everyone.
Selene also had her 7 month check up. It went great, other than the fact that it took forever. I've been so thankful that Dan has been able to take her these past few months. Between a strangely long wait and the IV infusion they were gone all day, but Selene was amazing. Apparently at the end she asked "Is my checkup almost done?" Ohoh! They also gave her a flu shot! I couldn't believe it when Dan told me. He was like "She can do that?!" I also had told her to tell Dr. Olson that I said hello. When she got home she said "I didn't tell Dr. Olson you said hi." Um...ok then.
Next month Ainsley doesn't have school on her clinic day so I'm going to take all three of them. Wish me luck. This will be our first appointment in the new Buerger building. Which is going to be amazing, state of the art and full of things to keep kinds occupied, but I'm sure they'll be working out kinks in the flow, etc. I might beg them to move us through as fast as possible before I lose it trying to wrangle all three kids.
We also went to a super fun birthday party for one of Ainsley's friends!
I didn't know if she would stay still, then I was like, oh wait. She doesn't flinch for IVs, this should be easy. |
A volunteer for the magician! |
They rented an ice truck! |
Fabulous day! |
That morning Dan also took Ainsley to a Harry Potter even at our local library. It was really well done and they had a ton of fun!
She was sorted into Hufflepuff! How accurate :-) |
Making wands! |
And love potions! |
Professor Sprout! |
Fluffy the three headed dog :-) |
Life didn't slow down when this past weekend Dan and I went to Virginia Beach for his cousins' wedding. My parents came to stay with the girls. My Dad hadn't see Selene since Kalina was born! 4.5 months! He was soooo excited. As we were saying goodbye the girls were just happily waving. My Dad was like "You told them you are leaving for the whole weekend and not just a little while, right?" Yeah, they just didn't care. They were spoiled with love and donuts, clothes, buying out the Disney store, rides at the mall and Auntie Anne's pretzels. They had a blast! The only hiccup in the whole lovely weekend was that Saturday night my parents texted me around midnight to say Selene had a fever. It started coming down pretty quickly and by morning was 98. She slept through it all. I basically had my hand on my phone ready to call the hospital but it never came to that. Thankfully, being 6 months past transplant means things are a little less scary. Honestly, if my mom hadn't been sleeping with Selene (She likes to wake up a few times a night because she is scared so my mom was just preempting that), no one would have known. But, everyone was safe and healthy in the end.

Super Kalina! |
On the way to Dunkin Donuts! |
Not even Kalina seemed to care that I was gone ;-) |
First time seeing Pappy in almost 5 months! (She's in a bathing suit because they were playing Ariel...) |
We also celebrated Selene's 3rd birthday since my parents won't see her closer to the 1st!
Happy Happy! |
She loves her cards! |
Minnie dress! |
Amazingly delicious cake all the way from Roseann's bakery in Indiana! |